YES. School kills creativity. In my opinion everyone's different, in every way possible. Some are better at sports than in academic classes, some are the other way around. Everyone has their own pace at learning different things, like in learning. Some may learn how to do a math equation faster, others may have to get their teacher to explain a bit further. The picture bellow explains what I'm trying to say a bit better. Takes the words right out of my mouth! Teachers expect you to do well in school yet focus on the students that are getting the higher grades. What about the ones failing? I find it really interesting how much stress a teenager has just because of expectations for school, homework, and just thinking about their future. Its pretty crazy how your future is based on what grades you get now. 
    "The future starts today, not tomorrow." - Pope John Paul
9/9/2013 02:59:29 am

my favourite part was when you described two types of people that have it hard in math, because its true, there are people that can do an equation without asking anyone, and there are people that have to take it slow and understand it. :)

9/9/2013 03:15:57 am

"The future starts today, not tomorrow." its right. I really enjoyed reading your blog. The picture includes a lot of information. A suggestion I have for improvement is you should have some suggestion to make the education system better. Your way of explaining is really interesting.


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